I'm happy to state that my grandmother is in partial remission and doing great! The doctor gave her the go-ahead to spend the winter in Arizona - which is great since Arizona is so much nicer than Minnesota to live in during the chilly winter months. With that said, I've thought about hosting a benefit, or a "YAY! You're in remission party" for her when she returns. I'd like to a host silent auction or raffle with all proceeds going to benefit the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (Multiple Myeloma is a form of bone cancer that is treatable, but not curable.). I'd love for this event to turn into a yearly event, gradually growing each year - Minnesota doesn't have an event like this for this type of cancer, and I think an event like that would really expose what Multiple Myeloma is to the state, and even surrounding states.
OK, so with all that said, I came across this pink ribbon dessert table on the Hostess with the Mostess blog quite a while back and thought how awesome it would be to have something like this at the potential event I want to host for Multiple Myeloma, although the color associated with that type of cancer is Maroon... but we can mix and match!
I just love the simplicity of this table... but it looks so great. I also love that it's all easy DIY projects to obtain this look - lots of ribbon, paper, embellishments, and easy but pretty dessert selections! For more information on the DIY projects and to learn how this fabulous dessert table was put together, head over to the Hostess blog here.
What fun and easy DIY tips do you have for a dessert table? Any fabulous but relatively easy recipes? I love dessert buffets, I think they add an extra special element to every event!
I've done the marshmallow pops - they are a cinch and look so cute!